C C Demonstrates passing a stream to another process C Process 0 initializes a random number stream and prints a few random C numbers. It then passes this stream to process 1, which recieves it C and prints a few random numbers from this stream. program messagef_simple_mpi implicit none #define SIMPLE_SPRNG #include #include "sprng_f.h" integer seed,i,myid, nprocs, ierror, len, junk integer status(MPI_STATUS_SIZE) SPRNG_POINTER junkPtr real*8 rn integer packed(MAX_PACKED_LENGTH) C--- integer gtype C--- call MPI_INIT(ierror) call MPI_COMM_SIZE(MPI_COMM_WORLD, nprocs, ierror) call MPI_COMM_RANK(MPI_COMM_WORLD, myid, ierror) if (nprocs .lt. 2) then print *, 'ERROR: At least 2 processes required' call MPI_FINALIZE(ierror) call exit(1) endif C--- node 0 is reading in a generator type if (myid .eq. 0) then C--- You may not need this. This is for generator type explanation. #include "genf_types_menu.h" print *,'Type in an integer for the generator type: ' read *, gtype endif call MPI_BCAST(gtype,1, MPI_INTEGER,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierror) C--- seed = 985456376 if (myid .eq. 0) then junkPtr = init_sprng(gtype,seed,SPRNG_DEFAULT) write(6,"('Process',i2,': Print information about stream:')") & myid junk = print_sprng() write(6,"('Process',i2,': Print 2 random numbers in [0,1):')") & myid do 100 i = 1, 2 rn = sprng() write(6, "('Process',i2, ': ', f8.6)") myid, rn 100 continue len = pack_sprng(packed) ! inform process 1 how many bytes process 0 will send. call MPI_SEND(len, 1, MPI_INTEGER, 1, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, & ierror) call MPI_SEND(packed, len, MPI_INTEGER, 1, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, & ierror) print*, 'Process 0 sends stream to process 1' elseif (myid .eq. 1) then junkPtr = init_sprng(gtype,seed,SPRNG_DEFAULT) call MPI_RECV(len, 1, MPI_INTEGER, 0, MPI_ANY_TAG, & MPI_COMM_WORLD,status, ierror) call MPI_RECV(packed, len, MPI_INTEGER, 0, MPI_ANY_TAG, & MPI_COMM_WORLD, status, ierror) junkPtr = unpack_sprng(packed) print *, 'Process 1 has received the packed stream' write(6,"('Process',i2,': Print information about stream:')") & myid junk = print_sprng() print *, 'Process 1 prints 2 numbers from received stream:' do 200 i = 1, 2 rn = sprng() write(6, "('Process', i2, ': ', f8.6)") myid, rn 200 continue endif call MPI_FINALIZE(ierror) end