
The SPRNG project is supported by an Accelerated Strategic Computing Initiative (ASCI) Level 3 grant.

Research Grants:

  1. NSF International Programs
    Cooperative Research with Austria with Dr. Peter Hellekalek's Random Number Generation (pLab) Group at the University of Salzberg
    Principal Investigator: Michael Mascagni
    Amount: $24,000
    Duration: 3 years beginning September 1999
    Florida State University

  2. NSF-NATO Postdoctoral Fellowship
    for Dr. Aneta Karaivanova of the Central Laboratory for Parallel Processing, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
    Host and Sponsor: Michael Mascagni
    Amount: $44,400
    Duration: 1 year beginning September 1999
    Florida State University

  3. Department of Energy, Office of Basic Energy Sciences Grant
    The Impact of Random Numbers on Parallel Monte Carlo Applications
    Principal Investigator: Michael Mascagni
    Amount: $150,000
    Duration: 3 years beginning February 1999
    University of Southern Mississippi

  4. Mississippi NASA Space Grant: University of Southern Mississippi Subcontract
    Principal Investigator: Michael Mascagni
    Amount: $37,250 per year Duration: 1997-1999 University of Southern Mississippi

  5. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Program for Italian and Foreign Research Institutions: Short-term Mobility Fellowships
    for Michael Mascagni with sponsorship of Renato Spigler, Dipartimento di Matematica, Unversita di Lecce, Italy
    Amount: travel & lodging expenses, Lit. 2,400,000
    Date: March 1994

Research Contracts:

  1. Army Research Office, Mathematical and Computer Science Division, Computational Mathematics Contract
    Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods for Markov Chain Problems
    Principal Investigator: Michael Mascagni
    Amount: $249,000
    Duration: 3 years beginning September 2001

  2. ASCI Level III Contract to Lawrence Livermore, Los Alamos, and Sandia National Laboratories
    Random Number for ASCI Monte Carlo Applications
    Principal Investigator: Michael Mascagni
    Amount: $494,921
    Duration: 3 years beginning October 1999
    Florida State University

  3. Army Research Office, Mathematical and Computer Sciences Division, Computational Mathematics Grant
    Quasirandom Numbers for Parallel and Distributed Applications
    Principal Investigator: Michael Mascagni
    Amount: $487,085
    Duration: 3 years beginning March 1999
    University of Southern Mississippi with a $195,417 subcontract to Florida State University

  4. Department of Defense High Performance Computing Modernization Office through Northrop Grumman Data Systems
    Northrop Grumman High Performance Computing Programming Envirnment and Training
    Principal Investigator: Michael Mascagni
    Amount: $100,000 per year
    Duration: 1997-1999
    University of Southern Mississippi

  5. DARPA Contract Number DABT63-95-C-0123 for ITO: Scalable Systems and Software
    A Scalable Pseudorandom Number Generation Library for Parallel Monte Carlo Computations
    Principal Investigators: Michael Mascagni and David Ceperly (Dept. of Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and the National Center for Supercomputing Applications)
    Amount: $607,106
    Duration: 3 years beginning March 1995
    University of Illinois